You Are Set Apart...Act Like It!

You Are Set Apart…Act Like It!

Message Translation

Message Translation


This morning, I went into the prayer closet ready. Why? Because the enemy wants me to focus on the inconveniences I am experiencing. But I won’t let the circumstances or situations of life that don’t feel good throw me off track from what God has called me to do each and every day.

So this morning I got up and went into a hot prayer closet. Why was it hot? My air conditioner stop blowing cool air last night. But I woke up well-rested and not sweating this morning. Why? Because God kept me cool. I prayed before I laid and I slept like a hot sunny day in the shade. LOL! Be encouraged today to not allow the inconveniences of life throw you off track. Pray without ceasing in all situations…good, bad, pretty, ugly, hot, cold, pleasant and unpleasant. God is still faithful in all of it!

This morning I felt the presence of God. I prayed in the Spirit and felt this strong sense of boldness. I heard the Holy Spirit say:

  • Don’t live beneath the privilege I established within you.

  • Be in the world, but not of the world.

  • You are set apart. Don’t be shy about that or try to make others feel comfortable around you.

  • Be WHO I called you to be at all times because some people will encounter ME through you!

  • Call foolishness out and rebuke it in my name. Don’t just sit there and listen to family and friends talk foolishly. Be bold as a believer and call that out right then and there!

  • Be careful of who you associate with. Don’t let people who don’t walk with me daily bring you down. You demand they come up.

  • Be the influence!

I really felt in my heart when the Holy Spirit said call out foolishness! It’s time for us believers and followers of Jesus to stop sitting idly in salons, barbershops, backyard gatherings, workplaces, and fellowships when we hear stuff that ain’t of God. We sit with people who proclaim to follow Jesus because they attend church, and we listen to them talk foolish, act foolish, and spread foolishness.

I boldly declare that we STAND FIRM on the Word of God and get face to face with them and speak to the demonic spirit behind them and cast it out. Tell them, it’s not you, it’s that spirit that’s within you that I rebuke in the name of Jesus. We have the authority to do it and I say boldly that we must do it in Jesus name. No longer should we just allow things to be “the norm” or settle for “well everybody does that.” Be bold for Jesus and remember that you are set apart for a purpose!


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