Posts tagged Matthew
Rest Days

Hey OABG Family, I am so grateful to the Lord for giving me His rest.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. — Matthew 11:28 ESV

I won’t be posting any new content for the next few days, but that will give you time to catch up and binge the new YouTube channel!

Thank you for your continuous support and encouragement as I STAY ON ASSIGNMENT BY GOD!

I’ll be back soon…fully rested and 100% charged!

Hearts & Hugs!


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Lord, Help My Unbelief!

If you’re a believer, you believe Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and because of your belief in Jesus, you have eternal life with Him. But what about your current life right now? Do you believe in miracles; healings; deliverance? Do you believe that Holy Spirit can guide you today? Check out my conversation with God from this morning on the topic of believing.

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