Posts in Hearing From God
How Do You KNOW Me?

Psalms 46:10 says Be still and know that I am God. How do you know who God is? In this blog post, I share how the intimate relationship between spending time in God's presence and gaining a deeper understanding of His nature will translate into knowing who He is to you on a personal level. Listen as I share what I heard God say to me during my intimate prayer time.

What did Holy Spirit say to you today in your conversation? Tune into the latest episode and check out the blog! The Lord is speaking, but are we listening? I hope you are! Tune in!

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Rest Days

Hey OABG Family, I am so grateful to the Lord for giving me His rest.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. — Matthew 11:28 ESV

I won’t be posting any new content for the next few days, but that will give you time to catch up and binge the new YouTube channel!

Thank you for your continuous support and encouragement as I STAY ON ASSIGNMENT BY GOD!

I’ll be back soon…fully rested and 100% charged!

Hearts & Hugs!


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